6 Top Philip K Dick Novels

Here are my top six Philip K Dick novels. (Spoilers, probably).

Man in the High Castle
Dick’s best novel. Story about an alternate reality, where Axis powers win WWII. Except the actual reality is reflected in a book with a cool title. But that reality, where the Allies win, is different than the reality the reader believes to be true. So whose reality is true? Second only to Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Dick’s best novel that inspired the movie Blade Runner. The book tells the story of a bounty hunter that kills replicants. He wonders if he might be a replicant, but then decides he’s not. The movie had little to do with the book, but Dick said he liked how the movie ended up, but by that time he was living in an oxygen tent, so who knows what he really thought. I reread the book recently, and couldn’t get the image of Harrison Ford wearing a large anti-radioactive codpiece out of my mind. Second only to Man in the High Castle.

Time Out of Joint
A novel by Dick written at the beginning of a years long, speed-fueled pot boiler writing spree. Sort of a Cold War precursor to the Truman Show.

Martian Time Slip
If you only read 15 books about autistic children in your lifetime, make Martian Time Slip one of them. One of the finest books set on Mars.

A Scanner Darkly
Total disintegration of a personality. I had just stopped drinking and was mired in depression when I read this novel. A Scanner Darkly proposes a conspiracy theory of rehabs creating customers by manufacturing and selling a soul destroying drug. Fortunately, I read this novel right when I depended on a 12 step program to maintain my sanity.

Transmigration of Timothy Archer or Flow My Tears the Policeman Said
Don’t know which of these stories takes the top spot. I don’t really remember reading either one of them, but they had catchy titles. I believe Ursula LeGuin really liked the Transmigration of Timothy Archer.